- Combe B. The french early arthritis register. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2003,(suppl.31), S123-S129
voir l'article : ESPOIR 1 - Combe B, BenessianoJ, BerenbaumF, Cantagrel A, Daurès JP, Dougados M, Fardellone P, Fautrel B, Flipo RM, Goupille P, Guillemin F, Le Loet X., Logeart I, Mariette X, Meyer O, Ravaud P, Rincheval N, Saraux A. , Schaeverbeke T. , Sibilia J. The ESPOIR cohort : a ten-year follow-up of early arthritis in France. Methodology and baseline characteristics of the 813 included patients. Joint Bone Spine 2007 Oct;74(5):440-5. Epub 2007 Jul 26.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 2 - Devauchelle V, Josseaume T, Samjee I, Dougados M, Combe B, Saraux A. Ability of oblique foot radiographs to detect erosions in early arthritis: Results in the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;59:1729-34.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 3 - Lukas C, Guillemin F, Landewé R, van der Heijde D, Logeart I, Fautrel B ,Daures JP, Combe B. Factors determining a DMARD initiation in early arthritis patients. The ESPOIR cohort study. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2009; 27: 84-91
voir l'article : ESPOIR 4 - Benhamou M, Rincheval N, Roy C, Foltz V, Rozenberg S, Sibilia J, Schaeverbeke T, Bourgeois P, Ravaud P, Fautrel B. The Gap Between Practice and Guidelines in the Choice of First-line Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drug in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from the ESPOIR Cohort. J Rheumatol 2009; 36:5; doi:10.3899/jrheum.080762
voir l'article : ESPOIR 5 - Gottenberg JE, Miceli-Richard C, Ducot B, Goupille P, Combe B, Mariette X. Markers of B-lymphocyte activation are elevated in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis and correlated with disease activity in the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis. Res Ther. 2009;11(4):R114.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 6 - Guennoc X, Narbonne V, Jousse-Joulin S, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Dougados M, Daurres JP, Saraux A. Is Screening for Hepatitis B and C Useful in Patients with Recent-Onset Polyarthritis? Results of the ESPOIR cohort study. J Rheumatol 2009 Jul;36(7):1407-13.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 7 - Funck-Brentano T, Etchepare F, Joulin SJ, Gandjbakch F, Pensec VD, Cyteval C, Miquel A, Benhamou M, Banal F, Le Loet X, Cantagrel A, Bourgeois P, Fautrel B. Benefits of ultrasonography in the management of early arthritis: a cross-sectional study of baseline data from the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2009 Dec;48(12):1515-9.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 8 - Fautrel B, Benhamou M, Foltz V, Rincheval N, Rat AC, Combe B, Berenbaum F, Bourgeois P, Guillemin F. Early referral to the rheumatologist for early arthritis patients: evidence for suboptimal care. Results from the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2010 Jan;49(1):147-55.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 9 - Salliot C, Bombardier C, Saraux A, Combe B, Dougados M. Hormonal replacement therapy may reduce the risk for RA in women with early arthritis who carry HLA-DRB1 *01 and/or *04 alleles by protecting against the production of anti-CCP: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010 Apr 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 19740903.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 10 - Cyteval C, Miquel A, Hoa D, Daures JP, Mariette X, Combe B. Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hand: Monitoring with a Simplified MR Imaging Scoring Method--Preliminary Assessment. Radiology. 2010 ;256:863-9. Epub 2010 Jul 27.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 11 - Aletaha D, Neogi T, Silman AJ, Funovits J, Felson DT, Bingham CO 3rd, Birnbaum NS, Burmester GR, Bykerk VP, Cohen MD, Combe B, Costenbader KH, Dougados M, Emery P, Ferraccioli G, Hazes JM, Hobbs K, Huizinga TW, Kavanaugh A, Kay J, Kvien TK, Laing T, Mease P, Ménard HA, Moreland LW, Naden RL, Pincus T, Smolen JS, Stanislawska-Biernat E, Symmons D, Tak PP, Upchurch KS, Vencovsky J, Wolfe F, Hawker G. 2010 rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria: an American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism collaborative initiative. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010 Sep;69:1580-8 et Arthritis Rheum. 2010 ;62:2582-91.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 12 - Gossec L, Combescure C, Rincheval N, Saraux A, Combe B, Dougados M.Relative Clinical Influence of Clinical, Laboratory, and Radiological Investigations in EarlyArthritis on the Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Data from the French Early Arthritis Cohort ESPOIR. J Rheumatol. 2010 Oct 15.
voir l'abstract : ESPOIR 13
voir l'article : ESPOIR 13 - Soubrier M, Lukas C, Sibilia J, Fautrel B, Roux F, Patternotte S, Dougados D. DAS-driven therapy versus routine care in patients with recent-onset active rheumatoid arthritis: Data from the GUEPARD trial and ESPOIR cohort. Ann Rheum Dis 2011
voir l'article : ESPOIR 14 - Millot F, Clavel G et al. Musculoskeletal ultrasonography in healthy subjects andultrasound criteria for early arthritis (the ESPOIR cohort). J Rheumatol 2011(in press)
voir l'article : ESPOIR 15 - Gaujoux-Viala C, Rat AC, Guillemin F, Flipo RM,Fardelone P,Bourgeois P,Fautrel B Comparison of the EQ-5D and the Short Form 6D utility measures in French patients with early arthritis: Results from the ESPOIR cohort. J Rheumatol 2011 Aug;38(8):1576-84. Epub 2011 May 1.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 16 - Lukas C, Combe B, Ravaud Ph, Sibilia J, Landewé R, van der Heijde D. Very early DMARD initiation in inflammatory arthritis is effective in inhibition of radiographic progression. Arthritis Rheumatism 2011 Jul;63(7):1804-11. doi: 10.1002/art.30371
voir l'article : ESPOIR 17 - Mouterde G , Lukas C, Logeart I, Flipo RM, Rincheval N, Daurès JP, Combe B Predictors of radiographic progression in the ESPOIR cohort. The season of first symptoms may influence the short-term outcome in early arthritis. Annals of Rheumatic Diseases 2011 Jul;70(7):1251-6. Epub 2011 Apr 22
voir l'article : ESPOIR 18 - Varache S, Narbonne V, Jousse-Joulin S, Guennoc X, Dougados M, Daurès JP, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Saraux A Is routine viral screening useful in patients with recent-onset polyarthritis of a duration of at least 6 weeks? Results from a nationwide longitudinal prospective cohort study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2011 ;63:1565-70. doi: 10.1002/acr.20576
voir l'article : ESPOIR 19 - Salliot C, Dawidowicz K, Lukas C, Guedj M, Paccard C, Benessiano J, Dougados M, Nicaise P, Meyer O, Dieudé P.PTPN22 R620W genotype-phenotype correlation analysis and gene-environment interaction study in early rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011; 50 :1802-8. Epub ahead of print 2011 Jul 13
voir l'article : ESPOIR 20 - Fautrel B, Combe B, Rincheval N, Dougados M; for the ESPOIR Scientific Committee. Level of agreement of the 1987 ACR and 2010 ACR/EULAR rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria: an analysis based on ESPOIR cohort data. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 71:386-9. Epub 2011Oct 28.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 21 - Boyer JF, Bongard V, Cantagrel A, Jamard B, Gottenberg JE, Mariette X, Davignon JL, Ferrières J, Ruidavets JB, Dallongeville J, Arveiler D, Cambon-Thomsen A, Constantin A. Link between traditional cardiovascular risk factors and inflammation in early arthritis patients.Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2012 64:872-80. Epub 2012 Jan 24
voir l'article : ESPOIR 22 - Gaujoux-Viala C, Rat AC, Guillemin F, Flipo RM, Fardellone P, Bourgeois P, Fautrel B. Responsiveness of the EQ-5D and SF-6D in patients with early arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Annals Rheum Dis. 2012 71:1478-83. Epub 2012 Mar 14
voir l'article : ESPOIR 23 - Rat AC, Pouchot J, Fautrel B, Boumier P, Goupille P, Guillemin F. Factors associated with fatigue in early arthritis: Results from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2012 Feb 21. doi: 10.1002/acr.21647. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 24 - Escalas C, Dalichampt M, Combe B, Fautrel B, Guillemin F, Durieux P, Dougados M, Ravaud P. Effect of adherence to European treatment guidelines on early arthritis outcome Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 May 6. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 25 - Gottenberg JE, Dayer JM, Lukas C, Ducot B, Chiocchia G, Cantagrel A, Saraux A, Roux-Lombard P, Mariette X. Serum IL-6 and IL-21 are associated with markers of B cell activation and structural progression in early rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 71:1243-8. Epub 2012 Apr 24
voir l'article : ESPOIR 26 - Gaujoux-Viala C, Paternotte S, Combe B, Dougados M. Evidence of the symptomatic and structural efficacy of methotrexate in daily practice as the first disease-modifying drug in rheumatoid arthritis despite its sub-optimal use: results from the ESPOIR early synovitis cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 27 - Nicaise-Roland P, Nogueira L, Demattei C, de Chaisemartin L, Rincheval N, Cornillet M, Grootenboer-Mignot S, Dieudé P, Dougados M, Cantagrel A, Meyer O, Serre G, Chollet-Martin S. Autoantibodies to citrullinated fibrinogen compared with anti-MCV and anti-CCP2 antibodies in diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis at an early stage: data from the French ESPOIR cohort. Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 May 12. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 28 - Zhang B, Combe B, Rincheval N, Felson DT. Validation of ACR/EULAR Definition of Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis from RA Practice: The ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2012 29;14:R156. [Epub ahead of prin
voir l'article : ESPOIR 29 - Gaujoux-Viala C, Fautrel B, Guillemin F, Flipo RM, Bourgeois P, Rat AC. Who are the patients with early arthritis with worse than death scores on the EQ-5D? Results from the ESPOIR cohort.Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013 May;52(5):832-8. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kes270. Epub 2012 Oct 22
voir l'article : ESPOIR 30 - Fautrel B, Granger B, Combe B, Le Loet X on behalf of the ESPOIR Scientific Committee Risk model of rapid radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis treated by methotrexate in the ESPOIR cohort Arthritis Research & Therapy 2012 19;14:R249. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 31 - Sellam J,Kotti S, Fellahi S, Bastard JP, Meyer M, Lioté F, Meyer O, Simon T, Capeau J, Berenbaum F. Serum hepcidin level is not an independent surrogate biomarker of disease activity or of radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis : results from ESPOIR cohort Ann Rheum Dis 2012Nov 12. [Epub ahead of print (letter)
voir l'article : ESPOIR 32 - Saraux A, Tobon GJ, Benhamou M, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Dougados M, Mariette X, Meyer O, Berenbaum F, Chiocchia G, Rat AC, Schaeverbecke Th, Rincheval N, Fautrel B, Combe B. Potential classification criteria for rheumatoid Arthritis after two years: Results from a French multicenter cohort. Arthritis Care Research 2013 Aug;65(8):1227-34. doi: 10.1002/acr.21982.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 33 - Castrejon I, Pincus T, Soubrier M, Chang Lin Y, Rat AC, Combe B ,Dougados M . GUEPARD treat-to-target strategy is significantly more efficacious than ESPOIR routine care in early rheumatoid arthritis according to patient-reported outcomes and physician global estimate . Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013 Oct;52(10):1890-7. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ket230. Epub 2013 Jul 17
voir l'article : ESPOIR 34 - Funck-Brentano T,Grandjbakhch F,Etchepare F, Jousse-Joulin S, Miquel A,Cyteval C,Lukas C, Tobon G, Saraux A, Boumier P, Goupille P, Bourgeois P, Fautrel B. Sonographic erosions and power-Doppler signal predict radiographic damage in early arthritis : The ESPOIR ultrasonographiy longitudinal study. Arthritis Care & Research 2012 Dec 4. doi: 10.1002/acr.21912. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 35 - Castrejon I, Pincus T, Guillemin F, Fautrel B, Combe B ,Dougados M. Possible remission criteria in rheumatoid arthritis without a formal joint count, based on careful joint examination and self-report RAPID3 score : Data from the ESPOIR usual care cohort. J Rheumatol. 2013 Apr;40(4):386-93. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.121059. Epub 2013 Feb 1.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 36 - Le Boëdec M, Marhadour T, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Jousse-Joulin S, Binard A, Fautrel B, Flipo RM, Le Loët X, Ménard JF, Saraux A.Baseline laboratory test abnormalities are common in early arthritis but rarely contraindicate methotrexate: study of three cohorts (ESPOIR, VErA, and Brittany).Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Apr;42(5):474-81. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2012.08.001. Epub 2013 Jan 24.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 37 - Knevel R, Lukas C, van der Heijde D, Rincheval N2,Combe B, van der Helm-van Mil A. Defining erosive disease typical of RA in the light of the ACR/EULAR 2010 criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis; results of the data-driven phase. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2013 Apr;72:590-5
voir l'article : ESPOIR 38 - van der Heijde D, H.M. van der Helm-van Mil A, Aletaha D, Bingham C, Burmester G, Dougados M, Emery P, Felson D, Knevel R, Kvien TK, Landewé R, Lukas C, McInnes I, Silman I, Smolen J, Stanislawska-Biernat E, Zink A, Combe B. EULAR definition of erosive disease in light of the 2010 ACR/EULAR rheumatoid arthritis classification criteria. Annals of Rheumatic the Diseases 2013 ;72:479-81
voir l'article : ESPOIR 39 - Vesperini V, Lukas C, Fautrel B, Le Loet X,Rincheval N, Combe B Does cigarette smoking influence activity and severity in early rheumatoid arthritis? Results from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Care Research 2013 Jul 8. doi: 10.1002/acr.22057. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 40 - Combe B , Rincheval N, Benessiano J, Berenbaum F, Cantagrel A, Daurès JP, Dougados M, Fardellone P, Fautrel B, Flipo RM, Goupille P, Guillemin F, Le Loet X, Logeart I, Mariette X, Meyer O, Ravaud P, Saraux A, Schaeverbeke T, Sibilia J. Five-year favourable outcome of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis in the 2000s: data from the ESPOIR cohort. Journal of Rheumatology 2013 Oct;40(10):1650-7. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.121515. Epub 2013 Aug 15.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 41 - TobonG, Saraux A,Lukas C,Grandjbakhch F,Gottenberg JE, Mariette X, Combe B, Devauchelle-Pensec V. First-Year Radiographic Progression is the Best Predictor of Further Progression in Early Arthritis: Results of a Large National French Cohort. Arthritis Care Research 2013 Jul 16. doi: 10.1002/acr.22078. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 42 - Gossec L, Paternotte S, Combe B, Meyer O, Dougados M. Repeated anti-citrullinated protein antibody and rheumatoid factor assessment is not necessary in early arthritis. Results from the ESPOIR cohort. J Rheumatol 2014 Jan;41(1):41-6. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.121313. Epub 2013 Nov 15.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 43 - Ruyssen-Witrand A, Lukas C, Nigon D, Dawidowicz K, Morel J, Sibilia J, Jamard B, Cambon-Thomsen A, Cantagrel A, Dieudé P, Constantin A. Association of IL-2RA and IL-2RB genes with erosive status in early rheumatoid arthritis patients (ESPOIR and RMP cohorts). Joint Bone Spine. 2013 Nov 4. pii: S1297-319X(13)00242-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2013.10.002. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 44 - Combe B, Logeart I, Belkacemi M, Dadoun S, Schaeverbeke T, Daurès JP, Dougados M. Comparison of the long-term outcome for patients with rheumatoid arthritis with persistent moderate disease activity or disease remission during the first year after diagnosis: data from the ESPOIR cohort. Ann Rheum Dis 2014 Jan 7. doi: 10.1136.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 45 - Meyer M, Sellam J, Fellahi S, Kotti S, Bastard JP, Meyer O, Lioté F, Simon T, Capeau J, Berenbaum F. Serum level of adiponectin is a surrogate independent biomarker of radiographic disease progression in early rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Res Ther. 2013 Dec 9;15(6):R210. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 46 - Dadoun S, Guillemin F, Lucier S, Looten V, Saraux A, Berenbaum F, Durand-Zaleski I, Chevreul K, Fautrel B. Work productivity loss in early arthritis during the first 3 years of disease. A study from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2014 Sep;66(9):1310-8. doi: 10.1002/acr.22298.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 47 - Gazal S1, Sacre K, Allanore Y, Teruel M, Goodall AH; (The CARDIOGENICS consortium), Tohma S, Alfredsson L, Okada Y, Xie G, Constantin A, Balsa A, Kawasaki A, Nicaise P, Amos C, Rodriguez-Rodriguez L, Chioccia G, Boileau C, Zhang J, Vittecoq O, Barnetche T, Gonzalez Gay MA, Furukawa H, Cantagrel A, Le Loët X, Sumida T, Hurtado-Nedelec M, Richez C, Chollet-Martin S, Schaeverbeke T, Combe B, Khoryati L, Coustet B, El-Benna J, Siminovitch K, Plenge R, Padyukov L, Martin J, Tsuchiya N, Dieudé P. . Identification of secreted phosphoprotein 1 gene as a new rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility gene Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Jan 21. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-204581. [Epub ahead of
voir l'article : ESPOIR 48 - Cornillet M, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Constantin A, Meyer O, Cantagrel A, Serre G, Nogueira L. 1.60 Autoantibodies to human citrullinated fibrinogen (AhFibA) and their subfamilies directed to the fibrin peptides α36-50Cit38,42 and β60-7460,72,74 are prognostic markers of radiographic damage in the very early arthritides of the French ESPOIR cohort. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Mar 1;73 Suppl 1:A26. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-205124.59.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 49 - Hmamouchi I,Combe B, Le Loet X, Fautrel B, Lukas C Prevalence, concordance and predictors of early and sustained remission assessed by various validated indices in the early arthritis "ESPOIR" cohort Joint Bone Spine 2014 Apr 1. pii: S1297-319X(14)00051-7. dos:
voir l'article : ESPOIR 50 - Mouterde G, Lukas C, Flipo RM, Goupille Ph, Rincheval N, Daurès JP, Combe B. ACPA, rheumatoid factor and differences in clinical presentation of early arthritis: results from the ESPOIR Cohort. J Rheumatol 2014 Aug;41(8):1614-22. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.130884. Epub 2014 Jul 15.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 51 - Bacconnier L, Rincheval, Flipo RM, Goupille P, Daures JP, Boulenger JP , Combe. B. Depression and anxiety risk in early rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2014 Sep 14. pii: keu371. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 52 - Chevreul K, Lucie S, Haour G, Harvard S, Laroche ML, Mariette X, Saraux A, Durand-Zaleski, I, Guillemin F, Fautrel. Evolution of direct costs in the first years of rheumatoid arthritis: Impact of early versus late biologic initiation. An economic analysis based on the ESPOIR cohort. PLoS One. 2014 May 8;9(5):e97077. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097077. eCollection 2014
voir l'article : ESPOIR 53 - Ruyssen-Witrand A, Guernec G, Nigon D, Tobon G, Jamard B, Rat AC, Vittecoq O, Cantagrel A, Constantin A. Aiming for SDAI remission versus low disease activity at 1 year after inclusion in ESPOIR cohort is associated with better 3-year structural outcomes. Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 May 2. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-204906. [Epub ahead of print
voir l'article : ESPOIR 54 - Juge PA, van Steenbergen HW, Constantin A, Tobon GJ, Schaeverbeke T, Gazal S, Combe B, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Nigon D, van der Helm-van Mil AH, Dieude P.SPP1 rs9138 variant contributes to the severity of radiological damage in anti-citrullinated protein autoantibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis.Ann Rheum Dis. 2014 Oct;73(10):1840-3. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-205539. Epub 2014 Jun 16.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 55 - Toussirot E, Dumoulin G.Response to 'Serum level of adiponectin is a surrogate independent biomarker of radiographic disease progression in early rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort'- authors' reply. Arthritis Res Ther. 2014;16(2):407. Epub 2014 Apr 10.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 56 - Sellam J, Fellahi S, Bastard JP, Capeau J, Berenbaum F. Response to 'Serum level of adiponectin is a surrogate independent biomarker of radiographic disease progression in early rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort' - authors' reply.Arthritis Res Ther. 2014;16(2):408. Epub 2014 Apr 10
voir l'article : ESPOIR 57 - Combe B, Rincheval N.Early lessons from the recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis cohort ESPOIR. Joint Bone Spine. 2014 Sep 16. pii: S1297-319X(14)00184-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2014.07.003. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 58 - Baillet A, Gossec L, Paternotte S, Combe B, Meyer O, Mariette X, Gottenberg JE, Dougados M. . Evaluation of serum IL-6 level as a surrogate marker of synovial inflammation and as a factor of structural progression in early rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2014 Nov 10. doi: 10.1002/acr.22513. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 59 - Combe B. ESPOIR and the French database management: what have we learned from the first years of follow-up? Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2014 Nov-Dec;32 Suppl 85(5):153-157. Epub 2014 Oct 30.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 60 - Durán J, Combe B, Niu J, Rincheval N, Gaujoux-Viala C, Felson D. The effect on treatment response of fibromyalgic symptoms in early rheumatoid arthritis patients: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology 2015 Jul 14. pii: kev254. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 61 - Van Nies JA, Tsonaka R, Gaujoux-Viala C, Fautrel B, van der Helm-van Mil AH. Evaluating relationships between symptom duration and persistence of rheumatoid arthritis: does a window of opportunity exist? Results on the Leiden Early Arthritis Clinic and ESPOIR cohorts. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015 Jan 5. pii: annrheumdis-2014-206047. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-206047. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 62 - Seror R1, Le Gall-David S, Bonnaure-Mallet M, Schaeverbeke T, Cantagrel A, Minet J, Gottenberg JE, Chanson P, Ravaud P, Mariette X. Anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis antibodies titres are associated with non-smoking status in early rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2015 Mar 16. doi: 10.1002/art.39118. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 63 - van Nies JA1, Alves C2, Radix-Bloemen AL3, Gaujoux-Viala C4, Huizinga TW5, Hazes JM6, Brouwer E7, Fautrel B8, Mil AH9 Reappraisal of the diagnostic and prognostic value of morning stiffness in arthralgia and early arthritis: results from the Groningen EARC, Leiden EARC, ESPOIR, Leiden EAC and REACH. Arthritis Res Ther. 2015 Apr 23;17:108. doi: 10.1186/s13075-015-0616-3.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 64 - Guellec D, Milin M, Cornec D, Tobon GJ, Marhadour T, Jousse-Joulin S, Chiocchia G, Vittecocq O, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Saraux A. Eosinophilia predicts poor clinical outcomes in recent-onset arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. RMD Open. 2015 Jul 15;1(1):e000070. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2015-000070. eCollection 2015.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 65 - Ana Maria Gherghe, Maxime Dougados, Bernard Combe, Robert Landewé, Carina Mihai, Francis Berenbaum, Ron Wolterbeek, Désirée van der Heijde. Common comorbidities in early arthritis and early spondyloarthritis, a comparative study - results from the ESPOIR and DESIR cohorts RMD Open. 2015 Sep 14;1(1):e000128. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2015-000128. eCollection 2015
voir l'article : ESPOIR 66 - van Steenbergen HW, van Nies JA, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Huizinga TW, Cantagrel A, Berenbaum F, van der Helm-van Mil AH. IL2RA is associated with persistence of rheumatoid arthritis.Arthritis Res Ther. 2015 Sep 8;17:244. doi: 10.1186/s13075-015-0739-6
voir l'article : ESPOIR 67 - Audo R, Daien C, Papon L, Lukas C, Vittecoq O, Hahne M, Combe B, Morel J. Osteoprotegerin and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand as prognostic factors in rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Res Ther. 2015 Jul 29;17:193. doi: 10.1186/s13075-015-0705-3.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 68 - Duquenne C, Cornec D, Marhadour T, Jousse-Joulin S, Cantagrel A, Pavy S, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Saraux A. Lymphopenia in early arthritis: Impact on diagnosis and 3-year outcomes (ESPOIR cohort).Joint Bone Spine. 2015 Jul 13. pii: S1297-319X(15)00119-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2015.02.012. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 69 - Degboé Y, Constantin A, Nigon D, Tobon G, Cornillet M, Schaeverbeke T, Chiocchia G, Nicaise-Roland P, Nogueira L, Serre G, Cantagrel A, Ruyssen-Witrand A. Predictive value of autoantibodies from anti-CCP2, anti-MCV and anti-human citrullinated fibrinogen tests, in early rheumatoid arthritis patients with rapid radiographic progression at 1 year: results from the ESPOIR cohort. RMD Open. 2015 Nov 26;1(1):e000180
voir l'article : ESPOIR 70 - Miceli-Richard C, Taylor KE, Nititham J, Seror R, Nocturne G, Boudaoud S, Dieude P, Constantin A, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Tobón GJ, Mariette X, Criswell LA. Genetic contribution of DKK-1 polymorphisms to RA structural severity and DKK-1 level of expression.Ann Rheum Dis. 2015 Jul;74(7):1480-1. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-206530
voir l'article : ESPOIR 71 - Ruyssen-Witrand A, van Steenbergen HW, van Heemst J, Gourraud PA, Nigon D, Lukas C, Miceli-Richard C, Jamard B, Cambon-Thomsen A, Cantagrel A, Dieudé P, van der Helm-van Mil AH, Constantin A. A new classification of HLA-DRB1 alleles based on acid-base properties of the amino acids located at positions 13, 70 and 71: impact on ACPA status or structural progression, and meta-analysis on 1235 patients with rheumatoid from two cohorts (ESPOIR and EAC cohort).RMD Open. 2015 Nov 19;1(1):e000099
voir l'article : ESPOIR 72 - Seror R, Boudaoud S, Pavy S, Nocturne G, Schaeverbeke T, Saraux A, Chanson P, Gottenberg JE, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Tobón GJ, Mariette X, Miceli-Richard C. Increased Dickkopf-1 in Recent-onset Rheumatoid Arthritis is a New Biomarker of Structural Severity. Data from the ESPOIR Cohort. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 20;6:18421. doi: 10.1038/srep18421. PMID: 26785768 74)
voir l'article : ESPOIR 73 - Guellec D, Narbonne V, Cornec D, Marhadour T, Varache S, Dougados M, Daurès JP, Jousse-Joulin S, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Saraux A. Diagnostic impact of routine Lyme serology in recent-onset arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. RMD Open. 2016 Jan 11;2(1):e000120. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2015-000120. eCollection 2016.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 74 - Granger B, Combe B, Le Loet X, Saraux A, Guillemin F, Fautrel B. Performance of matrices developed to identify patients with early rheumatoid arthritis with rapid radiographic progression despite methotrexate therapy: an external validation study based on the ESPOIR cohort data. RMD Open. 2016;2(1):e000245. doi:10.1136/rmdopen-2016-000245.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 75 - Couderc M, Pereira B, Combe B, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Mariette X, Soubrier M. Comparison of modified disease-activity scores with original composite scores for prediction of structural damages in rheumatoid arthritis: Data from the ESPOIR cohort. doe:10.1016/j.jbspin.2015.12.009
voir l'article : ESPOIR 76 - Castrejón I, Dougados M, Combe B, Fautrel B, Guillemin F, Pincus T. Prediction of Remission in a French Early Arthritis Cohort by RAPID3 and other Core Data Set Measures, but Not by the Absence of Rheumatoid Factor, Anticitrullinated Protein Antibodies, or Radiographic Erosions. The Journal of Rheumatology Apr 2016, jrheum.141586; DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.141586
voir l'article : ESPOIR 77 - Krams T, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Nigon D, Degboe Y, Tobon G, Fautrel B, Berenbaum F, Cantagrel A, Constantin A. Effect of age at rheumatoid arthritis onset on clinical, radiographic, and functional outcomes: The ESPOIR cohort, Volume 4865, Issue 5, 10/2016, Pages 471-613, ISSN 1297-319X, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbspin.2015.09.010
voir l'article : ESPOIR 78 - Cornillet M, Ajana S, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Constantin A, Degboé Y, Cantagrel A, Meyer O, Serre G, Nogueira L; Autoantibodies to human citrullinated fibrinogen and their subfamilies to the α36-50Cit and β60-74Cit fibrin peptides similarly predict radiographic damages: a prospective study in the French ESPOIR cohort of very early arthritides. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2016; 55 (10): 1859-1870. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kew014
voir l'article : ESPOIR 79 - Che H, Combe B, Morel J, Cantagrel A, Gossec L, Lukas C. Performance of patient-reported outcomes in the assessment of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity:the experience of the ESPOIR cohort. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2016 Jul-Aug; 34(4): 646–654. Published online 2016 Jun 22.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 80 - Ruyssen-Witrand A, Degboé Y, Cantagrel A, Nigon D, Lukas C, Scaramuzzino S, Allanore Y, Vittecoq O, Schaeverbeke T, Morel J, Sibilia J, Cambon-Thomsen A, Dieudé P, Constantin A. Association between RANK, RANKL and OPG polymorphisms with ACPA and erosions in rheumatoid arthritis: results from a meta-analysis involving three French cohorts. RMD Open. 2016;2(2):e000226. doi:10.1136/rmdopen-2015-000226.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 81 - Tournadre A, Pereira B, Dubost JJ, Rincheval N, Rat AC, Combe B, Soubrier M. Management of dyslipidaemia in high-risk patients with recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis: targets still not met despite specific recommendations. Results from the ESPOIR cohort during the first five years of follow-up. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2017 Mar-Apr;35(2):296-302. Epub 2017 Jan 4. PMID: 28079508
voir l'article : ESPOIR 82 - Durán J, Combe B, Niu J, Rincheval N, Gaujoux-Viala C, Felson DT.The effect on treatment response of fibromyalgic symptoms in early rheumatoid arthritis patients: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2017 Apr 3. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kew472. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 83 - Roubille C, Rincheval N, Dougados M, Flipo RM, Daurès JP, Combe B. Seven-year tolerability profile of glucocorticoids use in early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the ESPOIR cohort. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017 Feb 17. pii: annrheumdis-2016-210135. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-210135. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28213564
voir l'article : ESPOIR 84 - Gandjbakhch F, Granger B, Freund R, Foltz V, Jousse-Joulin S, Devauchelle V, Afshar M, Albert JD, Bailly F, Constant E, Biale L, Milin M, Couderc M, Denarie D, Fradin A, Martaille V, Pierreisnard A, Poursac N, Saraux A, Fautrel B. Multireader assessment as an alternative to reference assessment to improve the detection of radiographic progression in a large longitudinal cohort of rheumatoid arthritis (ESPOIR). RMD Open. 2017 Jan 4;3(1):e000343. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2016-000343. eCollection 2017. PubMed PMID: 28123779; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5237761.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 85 - Boeters DM, Gaujoux-Viala C, Constantin A, van der Helm-van Mil AHM. The 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria are not sufficiently accurate in the early identification of autoantibody-negative rheumatoid arthritis: results from the Leiden-EAC and ESPOIR cohorts.Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2017 Oct;47(2):170-174. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2017.04.009. Epub 2017 Apr 29
voir l'article : ESPOIR 86 - Boeters DM, Mangnus L, Ajeganova S, Lindqvist E, Svensson B, Toes REM, Trouw LA, Huizinga TWJ, Berenbaum F, Morel J, Rantapää-Dahlqvist S, van der Helm-van Mil AHM. The prevalence of ACPA is lower in rheumatoid arthritis patients with an older age of onset but the composition of the ACPA response appears identical.Arthritis Res Ther. 2017 May 31;19(1):115. doi: 10.1186/s13075-017-1324-y
voir l'article : ESPOIR 87 - Gaujoux-Viala C, Rincheval N, Dougados M, Combe B, Fautrel B. Optimal methotrexate dose is associated with better clinical outcomes than non-optimal dose in daily practice: results from the ESPOIR early arthritis cohort. Ann Rheum Dis. 2017 Sep 2. pii: annrheumdis-2017-211268. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-211268. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 88 - Truchetet ME, Dublanc S, Barnetche T, Vittecoq O, Mariette X, Richez C, Blanco P, Mahler M, Contin-Bordes C, Schaeverbeke T; FHU ACRONIM. Anti-carbamylated protein antibodies presence in early arthritis with a poorer clinical and radiological outcome: data from the French ESPOIR cohort.Arthritis Rheumatol. 2017 Aug 29. doi: 10.1002/art.40237. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 89 - Daien CI, Sellam J, Rincheval N, Fautrel B, Saraux A, Morel J, Berenbaum F, Daures JP, Combe B. Diabetes at the time of rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis is an independent predictor of pejorative outcomes: data from the early arthritis ESPOIR cohort. Joint Bone Spine. 2018 Feb 23. pii: S1297-319X(18)30041-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2018.02.004.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 90 - Gossec L, Kirwan JR, de Wit M, Balanescu A, Gaujoux-Viala C, Guillemin F, Rat AC, Saraux A, Fautrel B, Kvien TK, Dougados M; RAID investigators. Phrasing of the patient global assessment in the rheumatoid arthritis ACR/EULAR remission criteria: an analysis of 967 patients from two databases of early and established rheumatoid arthritis patients.Clin Rheumatol. 2018 Feb 21. doi: 10.1007/s10067-018-3998-1.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 91 - Sageloli F, Quesada JL, Fautrel B, Salliot C, Gaudin P, Baillet A. Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with increased radiological progression in women, but not in men, with early rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort (Étude et Suivi des Polyarthrites Indifférenciées Récentes).Scand J Rheumatol. 2018 May 18:1-7. doi: 10.1080/03009742.2018.1437216. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 92 - Louveau B, De Rycke Y, Lafourcade A, Saraux A, Guillemin F, Tubach F, Fautrel B, Hajage D. Effect of cumulative exposure to corticosteroid and DMARD on radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2018 May 22. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/key122.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 93 - Chevreau M, Paclet MH, Romand X, Quesada JL, Vittecoq O, Dieudé P, Toussaint B, Gaudin P, Baillet A.Calprotectin is not independent from baseline erosion in predicting radiological progression in early rheumatoid arthritis. Comment on 'Calprotectin as a marker of inflammation in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis' by Jonsson et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2018 Jan 10. pii: annrheumdis-2017-212816. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-212816
voir l'article : ESPOIR 94 - Quistrebert J, Hässler S, Bachelet D, Mbogning C, Musters A, Tak PP, Wijbrandts CA, Herenius M, Bergstra SA, Akdemir G, Johannesson M, Combe B, Fautrel B, Chollet-Martin S, Gleizes A, Donnellan N, Deisenhammer F, Davidson J, Hincelin-Mery A, Dönnes P, Fogdell-Hahn A, De Vries N, Huizinga T, Abugessaisa I, Saevarsdottir S, Hacein-Bey-Abina S, Pallardy M, Broët P, Mariette X; ABIRISK Consortium. Incidence and risk factors for adalimumab and infliximab anti-drug antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis: A European retrospective multicohort analysis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2018 Oct 12. pii: S0049-0172(18)30176-8. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2018.10.006.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 95 - Puyraimond-Zemmour D, Granger B, Molto A, Gaujoux-Viala C, Guillemin F, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Dougados M, Fautrel B, Gossec L. Similar alteration for mental and physical aspects in health-related quality of life over 5 to 8 years in 1347 patients with early arthritis and early inflammatory back pain. Arthritis Res Ther. 2019 Feb 19;21(1):63. doi: 10.1186/s13075-019-1841-y.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 96 - Mouasni S, Gonzalez V, Schmitt A, Bennana E, Guillonneau F, Mistou S, Avouac J, Ea HK, Devauchelle V, Gottenberg JE, Chiocchia G, Tourneur L. The classical NLRP3 inflammasome controls FADD unconventional secretion through microvesicle shedding. Cell Death Dis. 2019 Feb 25;10(3):190. doi: 10.1038/s41419-019-1412-9.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 97 - Mouterde G, Rincheval R , Lukas C, Daien C, Saraux A, Dieudé Ph, Morel J, Combe B. Outcome of patients with early arthritis without rheumatoid factor and ACPA and predictors of rheumatoid arthritis in the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Res Ther 2019 on line first
voir l'article : ESPOIR 98 - Mariette X, Perrodeau E, Verner C, Struillou X, Picard N, Schaeverbeke T, Constantin A, Ravaud P, Bouchard P.Role of good oral hygiene on clinical evolution of rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized study nested in the ESPOIR cohort ; Rheumatology (Oxford). 2019 Sep 3. pii: kez368. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kez368. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 99 - Bernardy C, Lejeune S, Courtier A, Wendling D, Berenbaum F, Nguyen MVC, Gaudin P, Paclet MH, Baillet A.Calprotectin alone is not sufficient to predict response to methotrexate in early ACR/EULAR 2010 rheumatoid arthritis: analysis of the ESPOIR cohort. Joint Bone Spine. 2019 Jul 17. pii: S1297-319X(19)30106-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2019.07.001. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 100 - Carvajal-Alegria G, Milin M, Gandjbakhch F, Saraux A, Bailly F, Jousse-Joulin S, Schaeverbeke T, Lukas C, Foltz V, Fautrel B, Devauchelle-Pensec V. A Simplified Radiographic Score Effectively Predicts Radiographic Progression of Early Arthritis in a Large Nationwide French Cohort; Rheumatology (Oxford). 2019 Oct 19. pii: kez450. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kez450. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 101 - Lukas C, Mary J, Debandt M, Daïen C, Morel J, Cantagrel A, Fautrel B, Combe B. Predictors of good response to conventional synthetic DMARDs in early seronegative rheumatoid arthritis: data from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2019 (in press)
voir l'article : ESPOIR 102 - Hillion J, Bellier A, Romand X, Fautrel B, Mariette X, Sagéloli F, Baillet A, Gaudin P. Alcohol is not the missing link between Porphyromonas gingivalis-related periodontitis and radiological progression in early rheumatoid arthritis: comment on 'Porphyromonas gingivalis experimentally induces periodontitis and an anti-CCP2-associated arthritis in the rat'. Ann Rheum Dis. 2019 Jun 14. pii: annrheumdis-2019-215603. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215603. [Epub ahead of print]
voir l'article : ESPOIR 103 - Vanier A, Smolen JS, Allaart CF, Vollenhoven RV, Verschueren P, Vastesaeger N, Saevarsdottir S, Visser K, Aletaha D, Combe B, FautrelB. An updated matrix to predict rapid radiographic progression of early rheumatoid arthritis patients: pooled analyses from several databases. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2019 Nov 13. pii: kez542. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kez542.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 104 - Mouterde G, Gamon E , Rincheval N, Lukas C, Seror R, Berenbaum F, Dupuy AM, Daien C, Daurès JP, Combe B. Association between Vitamin D deficiency and disease activity, disability and radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 2019 Dec 15. pii: jrheum.190795. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.190795.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 105 - Rauwel B, Degboé Y, Nigon D, Boyer JF, Abravanel F, Izopet J, Combe B, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Constantin A, Cantagrel A, Davignon JL. Reduced Progression of Bone erosion in Cytomegalovirus Seropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Arthritis Res Ther. 2020 Jan 20;22(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s13075-020-2098-1
voir l'article : ESPOIR 106 - Guellec D, Cozien S, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Dieudé P, Saraux A. Prevalence and clinical significance of extra-articular manifestations at diagnosis in the ESPOIRcohort with recent-onset arthritis.Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2020 Jan 27. pii: S0049-0172(20)30004-4. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2020.01.004
voir l'article : ESPOIR 107 - Ferreira RJO, Fautrel B, Saraux A, Gaujoux-Viala C, Rat AC, Guillemin F, da Silva JAP, Dougados M, Gossec L. Patient global assessment and radiographic progression in early arthritis: 3-year results from the ESPOIR cohort. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2020 Apr 27. doi: 10.1002/acr.24237
voir l'article : ESPOIR 108 - Rodríguez-Muguruza S, Combe B, Guillemin F, Fautrel B, Olive A, Marsal S, Valero O, Rincheval N, Lukas C.Predictors of fatigue and persistent fatigue in early rheumatoid arthritis: a longitudinal observational study, data from the ESPOIR cohort.Scand J Rheumatol. 2020 Apr 30:1-8. doi: 10.1080/03009742.2020.1726449
voir l'article : ESPOIR 109 - Niemantsverdriet E , Dougados M, Combe B , H M van der Helm-van Mil A. Referring early arthritis patients within 6 weeks versus 12 weeks after symptom onset: an observational cohort study. Lancet Rheumatol 2020 Published Online April 28, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016
voir l'article : ESPOIR 110 - Valdeyron C, Soubrier M, Pereira B, Constantin A, Morel J, Gaudin P , Combe B, Gremeau AS, Dejou-Bouillet L, Pouly JL, Sapin V, Oris C, Brugnon F Impact of disease activity and treatments on ovarian reserve measured by serum AMH level in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: A 36 months evaluation in the ESPOIR cohort . Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 Nov 4:keaa535. doi: 10.1093
voir l'article : ESPOIR 111 - Kedra J, Granger B, Emilie S, Gaujoux-Viala C, Rat AC, Combe B, Fautrel B. Time to initiation of biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in the French cohort ESPOIR. Joint Bone Spine. 2020 Aug 2:S1297-319X(20)30145-7. doi: 10.1016
voir l'article : ESPOIR 112 - Mathieu S, Pereira B, Saraux A, Richez C, Combe B, Soubrier M, Disease-modifying drug retention rate according to patient age in patients with early Rheumatoid arthritis: analysis of the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology International 2020 (in press)
voir l'article : ESPOIR 113 - Roubille C, MD, Coffy A, Rincheval N, Dougados M, PhD, Flipo RM, Daurès JP, Combe B. Ten-year analysis of the risk of severe outcomes related to low-dose glucocorticoids in early Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 (in press)
voir l'article : ESPOIR 114 - Combe B, Rincheval N, Berenbaum F, Boumier P, Cantagrel A, Dieude P, Dougados M, Fautrel B, Flipo RM, Goupille P, Mariette X, Saraux A, Schaeverbeke T, Sibilia J, Vittecoq O, Daurès JP. Current favourable 10-year outcome of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the ESPOIR cohort.Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021 May 7:keab398. doi: 10.1093
voir l'article : ESPOIR 115 - Kumaradev S, Roux C , Sellam J, Perrot S , Pham T , Dugravot A , Molto A. Sociodemographic determinants in the evolution of pain in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: results from ESPOIR and DESIR cohorts. Rheumatology (Oxford) . 2021 Jul 16;keab562. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab562. Online ahead of print.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 116 - Kedra J, Seror R, Dieudé P, Constantin A,Toussirot E, Kfoury, Masson C, Cornec D, Dubost J, Marguerie L, Ottaviani S, Grados F2, Belkhir R , Fain O13, Goupille P, Sordet S , Fautrel B, Philippe P, Piperno M, Combe B, Lambotte O, Richez C, Sellam J, Sené T, Denis G, Lequerre T, Lazure T, Mariette X, Nocturne G. Lymphoma complicating rheumatoid arthritis: results from a French case-control study. RMD Open. 2021. 2021 Sep;7(3):e001698.doi: 10.1136 PMID: 34470830
voir l'article : ESPOIR 117 - Rodríguez-Muguruza S, Combe B, Guillemin F, Fautrel B, Olive A, Marsal S, Valero O, Lukas C. Trajectories in early rheumatoid arthritis related fatigue over 10 years: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2021 Sep 21. Online ahead of print.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 118 - Beltai A, Combe B, Coffy A, Gaujoux-Viala C, Lukas C, Saraux A, Dougados M, Daures JP, Hua, Impact of multimorbidity on disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis: data from the Espoir cohort. Joint Bone Spine 2021 Dec 11:105326. doi: 10.1016
voir l'article : ESPOIR 119 - Gwinnutt JM, Norton S, Hyrich KL, Lunt M, Combe B, Rincheval N, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Fautrel B, McWilliams DF, Walsh DA, Nikiphorou E, Kiely P, Young A, Chipping JR, MacGregor A, Verstappen SMM. Exploring the disparity between inflammation and disability in the 10-year outcomes of people with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Mar 11:keac137. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac137.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 120 - Vittecoq O, Guillou C, Hardouin J, Gerard B, Berenbaum F, Constantin A, Rincheval N, Combe B, Lequerre T, Cosette P. Validation in the ESPOIR cohort of vitamin K-dependent protein S (PROS) as a potential biomarker capable of predicting response to the methotrexate/etanercept combination. Arthritis Res Ther. 2022 Mar 21;24(1):72. doi: 10.1186/s13075-022-02762-5.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 121 - Kedra J, Lafourcade A, Combe B, Dougados M, Hajage D, Fautrel B, Positive impact on 10-year outcome of the window of opportunity for conventional synthetic DMARDs in rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. RMD Open 2022
voir l'article : ESPOIR 122 - Juge PA, Granger B, Debray MP, Ebstein E, Louis-Sidney F, Kedra J, Doyle TJ, Borie R, Constantin A, Combe B, Flipo RM, Mariette X, Vittecoq O, Saraux A, Carvajal Alegria G, Sibilia J, Berenbaum F, Kannengiesser C, Boileau C, Sparks JA, Crestani B, Fautrel B, Dieudé P. A Risk Score to Detect Subclinical Rheumatoid Arthritis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022 May 18. doi: 10.1002/art.42162
voir l'article : ESPOIR 123 - Kedra J, Seror R, Dieudé P, Constantin A, Toussirot E, Kfoury E, Masson C, Cornec D, Dubost JJ, Marguerie L, Ottaviani S, Grados F, Belkhir R, Fain O, Fautrel B, Philippe P, Piperno M, Combe B, Lambotte O, Richez C, Sellam J, Sené T, Denis G, Lequerre T, Lazure T, Mariette X, Nocturne G. Lack of association between the TNFAIP3 rs2230926 variant and rheumatoid arthritis-associated lymphoma. Joint Bone Spine 2022 Apr 28;89(5):105390. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2022.105390.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 124 - Guellec D, Carvajal-Alegria G, Daien C, Gossec L, Guillemin F,Berenbaum F,Constantin A, Dieude P, Dougados M,Flipo RM,Goupille P,Mariette X, Richez D, Vittecoq O, Combe B, Saraux A. Clinical significance of a self-reported familial occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis among patients with recent-onset arthritis: data from the ESPOIR cohort; Clin Exp Rheumatol 2022 Jul 21. doi: 10.55563/clinexprheumatol/bdcl06
voir l'article : ESPOIR 125 - Sigaux J, Bellicha A, Buscail C, Julia C, Flipo RM, Cantagrel A, Laporte F, Beal C, Boissier MC, Semerano Serum Fatty Acid Profiles Are Associated with Disease Activity in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from the ESPOIR Cohort.L.Nutrients. 2022 Jul 19;14(14):2947. doi: 10.3390/nu14142947
voir l'article : ESPOIR 126 - Bouget V, Duquesne J, Hassler S, Cournède PH, Fautrel B, Guillemin F, Pallardy M, Broët P, Mariette X, Bitoun S. Machine learning predicts response to TNF inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis: results on the ESPOIR and ABIRISK cohorts. RMD Open. 2022 Aug;8(2):e002442. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2022-002442.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 127 - Duquesne J, Bouget V, Cournède PH, Fautrel B, Guillemin F, de Jong PHP, Heutz JW, Verstappen M, van der Helm-van Mil AHM, Mariette X, Bitoun S. Machine learning identifies a profile of inadequate responder to methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Nov 23:keac645. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac645.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 128 - Le Quellec A, Guyard T, Carvajal Alegria G, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Fautrel B, Flipo RM, Garrigues F, Saraux A. Prevalence and predictors of atlanto-axial subluxation in rheumatoid arthritis after 12-years' follow-up (ESPOIR Cohort).Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Nov 28:keac672. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac672
voir l'article : ESPOIR 129 / (Complément méthodologie) - Gwinnutt JM, Norton S, Hyrich KL, Lunt M, Combe B, Rincheval N, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Fautrel B, McWilliams DF, Walsh DA, Nikiphorou E, Kiely PDW, Young A, Chipping JR, MacGregor A, Verstappen SMM. Influence of Social Support, Financial Status, and Lifestyle on the Disparity Between Inflammation and Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2022 Aug 4. doi: 10.1002/acr.24996
voir l'article : ESPOIR 130 - Salinas CA, Louder A, Polinski J, Zhang TC, Bower H, Phillips S, Song Y, Rashidi E, Bosan R, Chang HC, Foster N, Gershenson B, Yamanaka H, Kishimoto M, Tanaka Y, Fischer P, Zhu B, Faries D, Mai X, Doherty BT, Grelaud A, Thurin NH, Askling J, Deberdt W; B023 Study Consortium. Evaluation of VTE, MACE, and Serious Infections Among Patients with RA Treated with Baricitinib Compared to TNFi: A Multi-Database Study of Patients in Routine Care Using Disease Registries and Claims Databases. Rheumatol Ther. 2022 Nov 13:1-23. doi: 10.1007/s40744-022-00505-1.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 131 - Dupont A, Constantin A, Soubrier M, Rincheval N, Avouac J. DAS28-γGT for the prediction of major cardiovascular events in rheumatoid arthritis: results from the ESPOIR cohort. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 May 31:kead251. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kead251.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 132 - Garnero P, Gineyts E, Rousseau JC, Richette P, Sellam J, Chapurlat R. A new serum biochemical marker of synovium turnover predicts radiographic progression in patients with early arthritis.Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 Jul 20:kead375. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kead375
voir l'article : ESPOIR 133 - Sepriano A, van Dijk B, Ramiro S, van der Helm-van Mil A, Combe B, van Schaardenburg D, de Wit M, Kent A, Mateus E, Landewé R. Distinction and prognosis of early arthritis phenotypes: An analysis in three European cohorts. RMDOpen 2023 Nov;9(4):e003611. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2023-003611.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 134 - Ruyssen-Witrand A, Guernec G, Dupont J, Lapuyade D, Lioté F, Vittecoq O, Degboé Y, Constantin A. Ten-year radiographic and functional outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis patients in remission compared to patients in low disease activity. .Arthritis Res Ther. 2023 Oct 20;25(1):207. doi: 10.1186/s13075-023-03176-7
voir l'article : ESPOIR 135 - Kumaradev S, Roux C, Sellam J, Perrot S, Pham T, Moltó A, Dugravot A. Do subjective components of disease activity contribute to heterogeneity in opioid prescriptions in inflammatory rheumatic diseases? Results from ESPOIRand DESIR cohorts.Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2023 Nov 29. doi: 10.55563/clinexprheumatol/nq59pt
voir l'article : ESPOIR 136 - Moulin D, Millard M, Taïeb M, Michaudel C, Aucouturier A, Lefèvre A, Bermúdez-Humarán LG, Langella P, Sereme Y, Wanherdrick K, Gautam P, Mariette X, Dieudé P, Gottenberg JE, Jouzeau JY, Skurnik D, Emond P, Mulleman D, Sellam J, Sokol H. Counteracting tryptophan metabolism alterations as a new therapeutic strategy for rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023 Dec 1:ard-2023-224014. doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224014.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 137 - 138) Felten R, Fabacher T, Sedmak N, Sibilia J, Sordet C, Chatelus E, Berenbaum F, Combe B, Ruyssen-Witrand A, Vittecoq O, Meyer N, Gottenberg JE. Repurposing the Fibrosis-4 Score in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Data from the ESPOIRCohort. J Clin Med. 2024 Mar 26;13(7):1905. doi: 10.3390/jcm13071905.
voir l'article : ESPOIR 138